Lights... Camera... Action!

Mrs. W's Skills Block program at Academy School is designed around the STEAM framework. For each session, we choose a topic which aligns with an area of study the students are learning in their classroom.
Each session culminates in a video. Here are some of the videos we have created. We hope you enjoy watching them.
Mission to Mars
April 2017
Join Ms. W's 2nd-grade skills block as we blast off to mars!
Life Aquatic
December 2016
Inspired by The Undersea World Of Jacques Cousteau, as well as Wes Anderson's movie, The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou (2004), the crew of Ms. W's 2nd-grade skills block dived to 50,000 feet to discover some of the wildest and beautiful sea creatures.
Each student created a mythological sea creature and wrote a poem describing it. All Aboard!
Why Mosquitos Buzz In People's Ear
May 2016
Adapted from the book by Verna Aardema, Mrs. W's 2nd-grade Skills Block tells a story of a jungle disaster with great lessons to be learned. Each puppet is made and performed by the students.
The Ice Age
February 2016
Mrs. W's second grade skills block learns about the Ice Age! From glaciers, to early humans, to the woolly mammoth, we make presentations and yet another awesome movie production!
The Periodic Table of Elements
November 2015
The entire 2nd grade presents the elements!
The Volcano Movie
May 2015
Join the 2nd grade skills block team as they journey into the heart of an erupting volcano!
The Photosynthesis Movie
March 2015
"Every plant can do this fudamental process... that's why we call it, PHOTOSYNTHESIS!"