Grade 3 - 6 - April 6 - April 10
Pen and Ink Architectural Drawings
Students will analyze famous architects and their structures from around the world. Students will create a series of pen and ink drawings of structures found in downtown Brattleboro.
Lesson Objectives
Students will research and analyze famous architects and their structures from around the world.
Students will create line drawings of local Brattleboro structures.
Students will add a simple watercolor wash to their pen and ink drawing.
Facade: The facade is essentially the face of the building, the exterior that looks out onto a street or open space.
Fenestration: It’s a blanket term for the design, construction, and presence of any openings in a building. Think windows, doors, vents, wall panels, skylights, curtain walls or louvers.
Cornice: Derived from the Italian word meaning "ledge," a cornice refers to any horizontal, decorative molding that crowns a building.
Black Pen
Watercolor: Brush/Q-Tip
Review architects, architectural styles, and structures.
Sketch a Brattleboro structure using a pencil. Focus on fenestration Outline with a black permanent marker or a common pen.
Add smaller details with a permanent marker. Allow to dry for 1-2 minutes between layers of detail to avoid smearing.
Use a little watercolor to add a simple wash to highlight architectural elements.